The player character of Halo: Reach, represented in his default, uncustomized form. Spartan-312 is a male Spartan with Mark V [B] armor and steel color scheme. Figure includes Assault Rifle and Frag Grenade.
Red Team was composed of around two dozen SPARTAN-IIs, although they did not always serve together. They actively participated in several battles, including the Battle of Arcadia, the Battle of Sigma Octanus IV and the Fall of Reach.
In 2531, Red Team was under the leadership of Jerome-092. The team was a three-person unit, comprised of Jerome, Douglas-042 and Alice-130. Red Team participated in the Battle of Arcadia, where they assisted forces from the UNSC Spirit of Fire to evacuate Arcadian civilians and to destroy a Covenant excavation operation at a complex of Forerunner ruins. After Covenant forces had been driven from Arcadia, Jerome, Douglas, and Alice remained with the ship's forces. After the Spirit of Fire's crew managed to destroy a Forerunner Shield World in order to destroy a fleet of Forerunner ships which the Covenant planned to reverse-engineer and use to swiftly destroy humanity, the three SPARTANs were presumed missing in action with the rest of the ship's crew. Ultimately, command of Red Team was then passed to Frederic-104.
On August 23rd, 2552, Red Team was deployed to defend civilian evacuation operations on Reach.[1] By August 30th, they had been assigned to the UNSC Pillar of Autumn to participate in Operation: RED FLAG. However, before the Autumn could exit the system and initiate the mission, all UNSC ships were recalled to defend Reach. Red Team was deployed to the surface of Reach to defend the generators that powered the planet's twenty Orbital Defense Platforms.
Though they inflicted heavy damage on the Covenant, including destroying a Covenant cruiser and a military base set up to secure the ground, many members of Red Team were killed during their insertion and in the engagements that followed.
During the Fall of Reach, and many other campaigns that came before and after, Red Team was split up into four smaller teams: Team Alpha, Team Beta, Team Gamma, and Team Delta.
Known members
Although Red Team generally operated at a size of around six members, other Spartans could be selected as members of Red Team for missions where a larger number were required.
Kelly-087 - Second in command of Red Team during the Fall of Reach but soon joined Blue Team due to the majority of SPARTAN deaths during the Fall of Reach.
Jerome-092 - Commander during the Outer Colony campaigns of 2531.
The original model for Red Team. In Halo Wars, Red Team has a regenerating shield bar, in addition to a health bar. The regenerating shield bar recharges after a short time and makes the classic depletion and recharge sounds from the original trilogy. All three Spartans count as Hero Units; if their health is depleted, instead of dying, they are "downed", at which point their health bar begins to regenerate. Once the health bar is at least half full, the downed Spartan can be revived by touching them with any other unit under your control. The Spartans are capable of hijacking enemy vehicles and commandeering friendly vehicles, similar to John-117 in the original trilogy, but at a much slower rate. Additionally, there is a neural implant upgrade that can be obtained, which gives Spartans the power to hi-jack vehicles much more effectively. Because Spartans are more effective than standard soldiers with the same equipment, any vehicle driven by a Spartan receives a stat boost compared to standard vehicles of the same type. Spartans cannot be damaged by FloodInfection Forms while their shields are intact, but as Hero units, they are immune to being Infected anyway.
"Red Team" is not actually usable outside of the Halo Wars campaign, although the player can train and field up to three anonymous Spartans at a time in Skirmish mode or in Multiplayer. Unlike Red Team, these anonymous Spartans can be killed when their health is depleted, but more Spartans can be trained back up to the limit of three. In the campaign, Jerome carries a Spartan Laser, Alice wields a machine gun turret, and Douglas uses a homing rocket launcher. The chain gun and the Spartan Laser are available as Spartan weapon upgrades (one and two steps up from dual SMGs, respectively) but Douglas' rocket launcher is a unique weapon.[2]
The Weapon/Anti-Vehicle Model 6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle[1][2] (abbreviated W/AV M6 G/GNR), also known as the Spartan Laser, is the UNSC's ground-based, man-portable, anti-vehicle, directed energy weapon.
It is the only known battery-powered UNSC weapon, and is the most powerful infantry weapon fielded by UNSC forces. It is capable of penetrating multiple targets, including tanks, unlike the Sniper Rifle, which can only penetrate infantry. It is alternatively known as the Galilean, or, in player lexicon, the "Splaser".
Despite the name, the Laser can be used by regular humans, such as UNSC Marines and ODSTs. The name could have been derived because of its weight, cost, or sheer destructive power.
The Spartan Laser's blueprint from Halo Reach The M6 Spartan Laser is a man-portable, shoulder-fired, directed energy weapon used by the UNSC. When the trigger is pulled, a red targeting laser is painted on-target accompanied by an audible whine as the weapon cycles up. The Spartan Laser will then charge for approximately two to three seconds before discharging the main laser. As the Spartan Laser charges, the charging tone gets noticeably louder and increases in pitch up until the laser is fired. The firing sequence can be aborted without discharging the battery as long as the weapon is not actually fired; for example, if the target moves out of sight or the operator needs to displace. The laser is capable of penetrating several enemies or vehicles, and has a small blast radius, injuring targets within two meters of the point of impact and toppling light vehicles. It has an offline sequence between shots while it (presumably) cools down (approximately 2–4 seconds), and is highly effective at destroying enemy vehicles.[3]
In Halo 3Multiplayer, if you kill another player with the Spartan Laser, you will receive the Laser Kill Medal. It is likely awarded due to the difficulty of having to charge and aim the weapon. Also, the achievement "Two for One" is unlocked by scoring a double kill with a single laser shot in any ranked free-for-all playlist.
The weapon is not available in the campaign until the level The Covenant, in which Master Chief begins the level armed with the Spartan Laser. There is another Spartan Laser lying nearby on the ground near the Pelican, presumably dropped by a Marine when it was shot down. The M6 is the only weapon able to harm 343 Guilty Spark on the final level of Halo 3, with the exception of the Fuel Rod Gun and Rocket Launcher, through a glitch that Bungie has removed.
It was developed as a part of the GUNGNIR project.
A player using the Spartan Laser to kill two opponents at once. The Spartan Laser is the most powerful weapon in Halo 3, combining long range with a lethal, sudden force. The weapon is classified as an anti-infantry and anti-vehicle weapon, making it a weapon that can destroy almost anything in the operator's path. All destructible vehicles are often destroyed in a single blast, except in the case of a near miss, in which case the target will still suffer heavy damage. It can also strike and kill multiple opponents and vehicles if they are lined up correctly. It is more powerful than the rocket launcher, and since the main beam travels instantly, it can be used far more easily and reliably at range.
As with all powerful weapons, there are a few disadvantages. The Spartan Laser needs to charge for three seconds (four seconds after TU2) before firing, and requires another two to four seconds to cool down after firing. The laser bleeds off 20% (25% in Halo: Reach) of its battery's charge per shot, giving only five shots (four in Halo: Reach) at most.
The targeting laser may also give away the operator's position. If a player sees the targeting beam, they could possibly dodge the shot, thus wasting valuable battery power, though this is very unlikely, as the targeting beam is very faint and hard to see in the midst of battle. However, it is possible to hear the laser if you are near the operator, and can thus enact a countermeasure to prevent the operator from striking. A point blank shot is not recommended, as you can commit suicide through splash damage, in addition to the aiming skills required to perform such a maneuver.
Finally, the laser is infamous for the difficulty in aiming the weapon, being nearly impossible for inexperienced players to engage quick, erratically-moving targets. This is caused by the charging time, which mandates that the player keep an accurate lock on his or her opponent, lest the laser discharge in vain.
When the weapon is equipped, a shroud over the emitting lens of the laser lifts up to expose it, presumably to protect it from scratches and battle damage when holstered, although the weapon is shown with the shroud up when it is on a person's back. The shroud can be seen releasing from its protective state when the weapon is drawn in first person view. A small hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder on the left side of the shroud actuates the shroud where it is anchored to the chassis of the weapon. When the trigger is pulled, a harmless red laser sight is projected on the target and a unique targeting tone is emitted which slowly becomes louder. The Spartan Laser will then charge for four seconds[4] before firing a red laser beam that usually destroys the target. In the Halo 3 beta, if the reticule was moved while firing, a scattering of beams would be released, spreading over the targeted area. For the few frames while the laser is fired, the right targeting stick is disabled. The beam can be strafed, however, over a larger area if the player is moving while the laser is firing.
The Spartan Laser is equipped with a smart-linked Wyrd III optics suite for increased accuracy and is capable of 3x magnification. Its reticule, whether on 1x or 3x magnifications, features a meter on the right side showing the charging status of the laser. The tick mark rests at the bottom of the circular shaped reticule while the laser is dormant, and gradually travels along the reticule's circumference until it reaches the point of origin, indicating that the laser is currently discharging. 1
The Laser beam is devastating to infantry at any range. Contrary to popular belief, the Spartan Laser is not a one-hit, one-kill weapon. In gameplay, damage is inflicted on a target by means of multiple, precision strikes from the laser. Instead of what appears to be one intense, uninterrupted beam of energy, the laser is actually multiple, but smaller, charges of energy, sent downrange in rapid succession, giving the appearance of a continuous beam. As the laser is light, there is little chance for escape or evasion before imminent doom. However, it is possible to avoid complete annihilation by traveling at high speeds or quickly finding some cover, thus avoiding the rest of the devastating beam. Once the main laser is discharged downrange, the target receives the intense increase in energy as thermal energy, which then proceeds to impart physical changes upon the target. With each passing millisecond the target is hit by the main laser, the energy levels rise until they become intolerable and result in combustion (in the case of vehicles) or death.
Under normal circumstances, as long as a direct impact is delivered, one laser shot will destroy any target. Wraiths and Scorpions cannot simply be fired upon at any location; each has a vulnerable point that must be hit in order to achieve a catastrophic kill with one shot. The Wraith must be fired upon from the vehicle's rear, right below the mortar at its power core, or directly aimed at the cockpit. The Scorpion must be hit in the driver's canopy to kill him or her instantly, though to destroy the tank you must aim for the cannon. It is powerful enough to penetrate the armor of nine Warthogs. It is also highly effective at destroying Scarab leg joints, although The Covenant is the only mission where this can be done, and it is unlikely the player will keep the Spartan Laser that long into the level without completely draining its battery.
The intense energy of the beam imparts splash damage up to a range of approximately two meters from the impact point. A careless operator that discharges the laser while too close to any obstacle will instantly be killed. The beam can also penetrate multiple obstacles and/or targets, provided they are aligned along a linear trajectory.
It is powered by a BA-53635/PLMD non-replaceable battery, which is recharged with a PP-16979/AM-Sh charger. UNSC logistics, however, are not sufficient for the charger to accompany many W/AV M6 G/GNR units in the field. It would be better to use the weapon when hidden as it takes a long time to charge and the enemy has a better chance of defending themselves, unless the wielder remains concealed from their enemy.
The Spartan laser is the 4th most powerful player usable weapon in the Halo series. The top 3 being the rocket launcher, Scarab gun and the Onager
This is the most powerful weapon in any of the Halo games after the Scarab gun from Halo 2 and Rocket Launcher in Halo: Reach.
It remains unclear what exact energy is fired from the M6, while some have suggested that it fires a chemical laser; however, a gas or chemical laser does not produce a powerful energy output, and also require large amounts of highly volatile and toxic chemicals to function, which are expended as the weapon fires. The weapon seems to be only powered by a rechargeable battery pack, hinting that it may be a Solid-State Laser or Free Electron Laser, which does not require a constant source of a chemical gain medium.
Luke Smith's comment: "It's not overpowered, it's an elegant weapon from a more civilized age," is a reference to Star Wars'lightsabers, described as such by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The Spartan Laser is currently the most expensive weapon known to be produced by the UNSC. It costs 218,000.00 cR, more than the cost of four fully armed Warthogs, 134 MA5B Assault Rifles, or over 7,266 M9 Fragmentation Grenades.
It is unclear how the W/AV M6 G/GNR was given the battlefield moniker Spartan Laser. It is possible that the first wielder of the weapon was a SPARTAN-II super-soldier. Another possible reason for the nomenclature is that Spartans are symbols of invincible death machines capable of destroying vast numbers of enemy equipment and personnel. Maybe it could as symbolize the sheer recoil of the weapon a.k.a A Spartan might be the only soldier that can successfully withstand it and be ready for another shot.
In The Package, the Spartan Laser is shown to be able to deflect an Energy Sword and is, in that one instance, dual wielded with a single SMG.
One direct shot will disable most vehicles and individuals. The known exceptions are large targets, such as Phantoms and Hunters.
In The Package, after Frederic-104 fires his Spartan Laser twice, his HUD shows its battery has 80% of its power left, meaning his Spartan Laser only lost 10% of its power with each shot, yet the Halo 3 and Halo: Reach, Spartan Lasers use up 20% and 25% with each shot respectively.
In Halo 3, the charge used from the Spartan Laser takes up 20%, while in Halo: Reach it takes up 25%. This might be because Halo 3 takes place much later than in Halo: Reach, which means that the Spartan Laser that takes up 20% is a newer, more energy efficient version than the one in Halo: Reach, which takes up 5% more energy with each shot.
Although the laser can go through vehicles and infantry, it cannot go through walls. However, this was not the case in The Package, where it was shown to be able to cause the doors of a Covenant ship to explode after melting a little.
On Legendary difficulties, the Spartan Laser cannot kill a Hunter in one hit. To bring them down, two lasers must be fired.
The Spartan Laser's shape has a slight resemblance to the real world FN P90 submachine gun.
Halo 3
The side of the weapon has the Norse symbol for "Gungnir" etched into it, which was the mythical spear wielded by the god Odin in Norse Mythology. Gungnir was described as having the ability to always hit its mark. Part of the mythology is that Odin would hurl his spear over the doomed side of a battle. This also adds to the theory of how the Spartan Laser was named because the Spartan armor is called MJOLNIR, Thor's hammer. It is likely that Project GUNGNIR mentioned in the ONI Memorial in the ONI Alpha Site is, in fact, the name of the development project for the G/GNR.
The Spartan Laser seems to trail off forever when fired into the sky, very much like the Sentinel Beam. The beam of both weapons does end, however, usually at the invisible walls of the playing area. The Laser beam on Sandtrap covers over 75% of the width of the area (fired at a 45 degree angle).
When you pick up a Spartan Laser that has a battery percentage that does not divide by 20 evenly you will be able to fire a 20% powered laser and another shot after that with the remaining charge. For example, if you have 45% power left in your Spartan Laser, you can fire up to 3 shots, including the 5% amount of power. The damage is still equal to the 20%.
As with all battery weapons, a weapon with low power dropped on the ground when its AI operator is killed will be assigned a seemingly random power level between 60% and 70%.
The weapon itself reads "Galilean" on the main part of the weapon and above the trigger.
When marines are given a Spartan Laser in campaign, they will do the animation for reloading a rocket launcher before they fire.
Halo Wars
In the campaign, Jerome-092 and two of the members of Team Omega are armed with Spartan Lasers.
In skirmish and multiplayer, the Spartan Laser is the final upgrade available to SPARTANs.
The Sparrowhawk is equipped with a chin-mounted Spartan Laser.
Strangely, this laser's beams are blue rather than red. This would support the increased power of a Hawk's laser over the portable model; blue lasers are more powerful than red lasers.
Spartans hold the Spartan Laser with both hands on the front grip.[5]
Halo: Reach
The Spartan Laser returns with very little aesthetic changes with a slightly altered form factor, darker color scheme, altered charging animation for the weapon and crosshairs, and a thermal display attached to the side. The weapon depletes a quarter of the battery's charge per shot, meaning it only has four shots, down from the usual five in Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST .
The Spartan Laser in Halo: Reach has a longer forward grip, with smaller space between it and the trigger than in Halo 3, making it appear that there is no longer enough space for the forward grip to fold up when not in use. However, it does look like it could slide forward a little more and then fold back
The reticule has been changed. There is no longer a single notch charging from the bottom to the top of the reticule. There are now two notches, which charge up to the side of the reticule, indicating when it will be fired.
The barrel of the weapon also has two notches that move toward the side that indicate when the weapon will fire.
In the Halo: Reach Beta, the Spartan Laser had a very rare but annoying "misfire" glitch. This would cause the Laser to kill the player wielding it instead of firing. However, this glitch was fixed in the full game.
The pop out screen has a very faint GUNGNIR symbol, the most visible part being the cross.
The Spartan Laser in Halo: Reach has much less recoil making it easier to perform an arc with one shot allowing gaining multikills with one shot easier but requires timing the movement of the cross hair with the laser firing.
In fire fight if the player is using Master Chiefs voice, Master Chief will call this weapon the "Master Chief Laser".
With a little aiming and luck, it is possible to shoot off the main cannon of the Wraith or Scorpion tanks, making them unable to fire.
One hit from the Laser on a Scorpion's tread will instantly destroy the tank, deeming this weapon able to destroy any Multiplayer vehicle in the game.
The Wraith's back exhaust port is very vulnerable, and can also destroy the tank from a well-placed laser hit.
Carter was born in Durban, Biko on August 27, 2520. He was conscripted into the Spartan-III program's Alpha Company in 2531, and, after an unknown amount of time, he became the leader of Noble Team. He has led Noble Team through enough difficult situations to earn the loyalty of his teammates. He and Catherine-B320 are the only survivors of the original team, and share a close bond as a result.[4]
Later career
On April 22nd, 2552, Carter led Noble Team in an operation put together by LCDR Catherine-B320[6] to destroy a CCS-class battlecruiser maintaining position above a city. The operation was successful, but at the cost of Thom-293.
Both Carter and Kat took responsibility over the death of Thom, unable to admit that the death of the SPARTAN was his own fault. Thom was replaced on Noble Team by SPARTAN-B312 a few months later, just prior to the Fall of Reach.
Throughout the course of the game, Carter led Noble Team in multiple operations against Covenant forces, such as the investigation of a communications blackout at the Visegrád Relay, a mission which led to the first confrontation with Covenant forces on the planet, the counter-offensive operation on ONI operated 'Sword Base', and a large-scale UNSC assault on a Covenant-occupied/staging site and the neutralization of a Covenant cloaking tower.[7][8][9]
The destruction of the UNSC Grafton by a Covenant supercarrier after the Battle of Viery prompted Carter and Kat-B320 to review the situation. Recognizing the presence of the supercarrier as a large threat, Noble Team decided to utilize a "non-existent" space vessel at a secret launch facility and plant a makeshift slipspace bomb onboard the Covenant vessel in place of their nukes the UNSC Forces on Reach lost.[10] Carter, along with Kat-B320, Jorge-052 and Noble Six, helped UNSC ground forces repel Covenant invaders from the launch facility, which housed the Sabre launch site. Noble Team was separated at this point, with Jorge and Six participating in Operation: UPPERCUT with the rest focusing on the groundside.[10]
On August 23, Carter and the remaining members of Noble Team assisted the UNSC in protecting the planet's civilian population from the Covenant. They reunited with Noble Six in New Alexandria and helped in the neutralization of Covenant communication jammers and evacuation of ONI personnel from the ONI HQ.[11] Not too long after, Noble Team was hailed by its commanding officer and was ordered to destroy Sword Base. The team was forced to enter a radiation bunker to shield themselves from the Covenant's glassing of New Alexandria. However, Kat-B320 was shot in the head by a Zealot on the way to the bunker by a Covenant sniper.[11]
Carter, along with the remaining members of Noble Team, proceeded to Sword Base and fought their way into the facility, only to have their directives revised by an unknown UNSC AI.[12] In the facility, they encountered Dr. Halsey once more. Noble Six was urged by the science officer to become the courier of a package and to deliver it safely to the UNSC Pillar of Autumn. Using Pelicans as their mode of transportation, Noble Team was split into two splinter groups; Jun-A266 escorted Dr. Halsey to CASTLE Base while the others headed for the Autumn.[12]
Sometime during the transport of the package to the Autumn, Carter was critically wounded in the Pelican, due to his head hitting the front windshield and causing massive internal damage, in the cutscene at the beginning of the level a bloody hole can be seen in his upper-right abdomen which could also have been his fatal wound, this also explains the blood around his mouth and nose.[1] Knowing that the delivery of the package was of the highest priority, he ordered Noble Six and Emile-A239 to drop out of the Pelican and proceed by ground while he diverted the Covenant aerial forces' attention. During the journey groundside, the two Spartans encountered a Scarab blocking their path. Carter sacrificed his life by ramming into the behemoth, allowing the two Spartans to accomplish their objective. His final words to them were, "You're on your own, Noble. Carter out."
Carter is described as charismatic and reassuring, as well as a born leader, inspiring confidence in those under his command. He is said to be cool under pressure, with laser-like focus, even while maintaining adaptability and flexibility. Carter is also noted as being capable of interacting with non-SPARTAN personnel effectively and efficiently with low-to-no expected stress issues, and is said to be at his best while building a team.[13]
As team commander, his defining trait is his desire to bring his people back alive, but he knows the challenge of losing members of his command.[4] However, he was said to have "minor trust issues" due to the death of Thom-293 under his command; Carter attributes S-293's death to his own "inadequate team preparation" while it was evidently due to enemy action or Thom-293's own lapse in situational awareness. Carrying the guilt over Thom's death may have also been the source of Carter's hesitation to commit to one of the replacements.[13]
With the rank of Commander, Carter-A259 is the second highest ranking Spartan, the highest being CaptainSerin Osman
Carter's date of birth makes him one of the oldest SPARTAN-IIIs. The majority of the trainees for the first class, Alpha Company, were four, five, and six years old when the project began in 2531; Carter would have been eleven at that time, making him nearly as old when he was conscripted as most other Spartan-IIIs were when they graduated from the program.
In the Halo: Reach Video Games Awards trailer, Carter had a shaved head, a lighter skin tone and looked very much like John Forge, from the Halo Wars game. In the final version of the game, his hair is styled in a high and tight cut and his skin is somewhat darker.
Carter's helmet is available as an Avatar Award and is obtained by clearing a Campaign mission on Legendary without dying. The easiest way to get the helmet is to save near the end of a level and then continuing campaign.
A player would need to be at least Brigadier to recreate Carter's armor, equip the Commando helmet, Assault/Commando chest piece, Commando left shoulder piece, MJOLNIR Mk. V right shoulder piece, Tactical/Tacpad Wrist piece, Gold Visor, FJ/PARA knees, Blue as Primary color and Steel as Secondary color. He is the most accurately replicated Noble team member through player-unlocked armor permutations.
During the campaign, Carter is the only member of Noble Team that does not work as a duo with Noble Six.
His Spartan Tag, S259, may be a reference to the element Nobelium. Nobelium has a standard atomic mass of 259 and is linguistically similar to Noble, the team that Carter leads.
Carter's Spartan Tag Number, 259 is a seven reference, because 5+9=14, 14/2=7, 5+2=7, and 9-2=7.
In the world premiere trailer, Carter was missing the detail he had at the bottom of his commando shoulder but in the final game he has it.
Also in the world premiere trailer, Carters looks very similar to Sergeant John Forge from Halo Wars
Carter's birth and death were both in the same month, August.
If a player were to (somewhat) recreate Carter-A259's concept art armor, they would need Grenadier helmet w/ UA/FC attachment, Commando left shoulder, Mark VI right shoulder, Tactical/LRP chest piece, FJ/PARA knee guards, Default or Silver visor, and Blue as Primary color and Steel as Secondary color.